How I Missed out on Canada Permanent Residence in 2015. Now my children HATE me.

Written by Seyi Obasi
3 mins read

I remember an incident that happened several weeks ago.

I remember that day clearly........

It was 8:15 PM.

I was lying down on my 3 seater couch deep in thought.  To make matters worse, I had not had lunch. And it was painful because I really like food!

I really do!!

My name is John Aneke and I work in one of the new generation banks, earn a good salary and have a beautiful family (two boys and a girl).

My children attend a very good school in our neighbourhood and they are very happy….

…or so I thought.

That was until one day when my eldest son came home with the saddest look you can imagine. When I asked him what the issue was, he turned to me with tears glistening in his eyes and asked me, ‘when are we going to Canada?’

That question hit me like a tipper of sand.

I could not answer for a whole two minutes! I mean, where did that question come from? Canada? Why?

When I finally composed myself, I developed the courage to ask him what happened.

He pointed to a gift pack he brought home from school and responded with a shaky voice, ‘Michael is going to Canada next week. Today was his last day in school. I want to go with him. Why are we not going to Canada?’.

Unfortunately for me, sometime the previous month he had overheard my phone conversation with a friend in Canada and I was telling him that if I had applied when he was applying, I would have been in Canada too.

My son asked me about it at the time, but I gave him a flippant answer. He is just 12 years old….I didn’t know he even understood anything about relocating to Canada.

How wrong I was!

My son had not finished with me that day. He kept whining that everybody in his class was relocating to Canada and that I was the one stopping him from being in Canada with his friends.

He hardly spoke to me those days. Just carried a sad face at home all day ☹.

To make matters worse, his siblings joined him in stonewalling daddy. ‘We want to go to Canada’ was all I heard at home those days.

It was driving me crazy!!

To say I was filled with regret is an understatement. I have three friends and many colleagues who are now living in Canada with their families. My closest friend, Paul told me severally when he was preparing his application to also put in an application.

But my olodo head did not allow me!

I and my wife had great jobs, lived in a good neighbourhood and had our children in good schools. Was this Canada relocation thing really worth it?

Well, it was but I was not in a hurry. Right before my eyes, one colleague after another immigrated to Canada while I did nothing!

Now my children hate me!!

If only! If only!!

I can’t have my children hating me. Tufiaka!!

That encounter with my son jolted me like an electricity shock and I quickly woke up and started researching how I could go to Canada.

I mean……

Look at what is happening in our country. The cost of food had quadrupled. The cost of living is through the roofs. Insecurity is increasing everyday. My friend was telling me the other day that Boko Hara is now in Lagos…..sigh.

The problems in this country can cripple a man and right now, I don’t know what I didn’t at least try this Canada relocation thing 2 or 3 years ago.

My research had showed that covid has changed the face of Canada immigration. Express entry for those outside Canada had been paused since the beginning of 2021 and only God knows when it will restart.

And at my age, I doubt that I will get enough points to receive an invitation for permanent residence. I knew I was at a disadvantage with time and I didn’t have the luxury of waiting any longer.

It had to work out!

What to do?

I started researching…and calling friends and colleagues in Canada. I was so desperate you could literally smell my desperation.

I was so confused because I didn't even know where to start …..until I stumbled on a program called ‘The ‘No Hassle’ Naija to Canada Japa System

No Hassle? That was EXACTLY what I needed.

I contacted the creator of the program, watched the intro video and now I am processing my application to Canada.

And guess what?

My children no longer HATE me. In fact they are excitedly in LOVE with daddy because they now have the hope of also going to Canada sometime nest year.

Daddy came through for them.

I have been smiling all week and people are starting to ask questions....

But anyway...

Back to the program that is helping me with my Canada journey.....

The training is superb and will save you tons of time….and money.

There is this amazing and detailed workshop that shows step by step how to relocate to Canada at any age in 9 to 12 months, without IELTS and without losing money in the process.

​I told a few colleagues and friends who had shown interest in going to Canada and everyone jumped on this system and are all practically on their way to Canada. At least 70% of them already are halfway through their applications and hope to be in Canada in  a few months time.

You might want to take a peek at the free workshop if you are even the slightest interested in RELOCATING to CANADA.

You want to watch the FREE workshop?

Click here to indicate that you want to learn more and to watch the FREE workshop

And I wish you all the best, and I look forward to seeing you in Canada

Don't let your children hate you some years down the line like me.

Take action NOW.

Go here now to watch the free workshop and start your Canada journey.